Supporting Diverse ESG Journeys


Our Clients

We believe in the power of true partnerships — where information, trust and mutual respect are shared. We collaborate with our clients to measure and disclose impact. 

We work with a wide range of organizations, which allows us to share best practices and valuable insights across sectors. As a leading international provider of services for managing sustainability, ISOS Group has helped 100-plus clients across various industries, including numerous high-profile organizations around the world. Our clients include leading public and private companies, nonprofits, international organizations, top academic institutions and more. Due to our pioneering spirit and mission-driven attitude, we have been responsive to market needs since inception. We have a deep appreciation for our clients and are proud to have long-term and ongoing relationships with many of them.  

Clients & Industries

Below are examples of the various industries we serve. While we work across many industries, we have deep expertise in the agriculture, food processing, and real estate industries. 

  • Metals & Mining

  • Power Generation & Utilities

  • Real Estate & The Built Environment

  • Software & Technology

  • Universities & Educational Nonprofits

  • Aviation & Automotive

  • Banking & Financial Services

  • Food & Beverage

  • Manufacturing

  • Media & Professional Services

Case Studies and Industry Spotlights  

We’ve helped dozens of clients share their sustainability successes, respond to stakeholder inquiries, develop greenhouse gas inventories and more. The stories of these collaborations can help you envision what ISOS Group can do for your organization. To learn more, download the documents below.