This course provides an in-depth overview and analysis of how to report on human rights with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.
After attending this course, you will:
State the relevance of human rights and human rights transparency to business.
Describe the key concepts in the GRI Standards as well as the process for identifying impacts and determining material topics related to human rights.
Discuss the disclosures in the GRI Standards related to human rights, including the requirements and guidance.
Apply the GRI human rights-related disclosures by studying practical case studies.
This 4-hour Reporting on Human Rights with GRI Standards 2021 Update training course will be taught on Zoom across two 4-hour sessions. Upon completion, participants will earn 1 out of the 4 credit points towards GRI’s professional certification program.
Session 1: Friday, August 1 (8a - 12p PT)
For any inquiries, call (888) 238-3492 or email us at