Supporting Diverse ESG Journeys


Letter to our Network

Originally posted January 31, 2019

Hi Friend,

2018 marked ISOS Group’s 10th year in business. No organization is isolated from challenges—and we’ve certainly faced ours—but as we enter into 2019, we’re determined to strengthen and scale our practice in order to  support our network better than ever before. Through organizational changes, talks of acquisition and even dreams of escaping to the beach, we’ve withstood the test of time and have reinforced our commitment to those we serve.

As a good friend and business colleague once said, “Working with ISOS Group feels as if you’re sitting down to a big family meal.” Relationships matter to us, and investing in them while running a lean operation and patiently awaiting market traction has started to deliver promising results.

Whether it’s with manufacturing or services, energy, real estate, health care or higher education, at home or abroad, we’re proud of the work we’ve done to support executives and sustainability professionals inside and outside of reporting organizations who are determined to exemplify leadership in a resource-constrained world.

Sustainability is no longer dependent on building the business case; it does, however, need well-constructed foundations to advance positive change as quickly as possible. We believe in the powerful role sustainability reporting plays in the process. With that in mind, we’re taking the necessary steps to lead the charge for better reporting for a better world. Over the last six months, we’ve:

  • Confirmed a partnership with Swedish-based firm Enact Sustainability Strategies to deliver Certified Integrated Reporting <IR> Courses in the U.S. and Kenya.

  • Secured a license agreement with fellow San Diego business Measurabl to use its system to offer investment-grade sustainability data to our clients, while providing external assurance services to Measurabl’s clients that we haven’t advised in any other way.

  • Continued strengthening transnational relations with sustainability professionals in Kenya, Lebanon, Nigeria and Mexico. Next stop? China!

  • Solidified plans to expand our coaching and technical assistance program to increase support for advanced and newbie reporting organizations as they navigate the sometimes choppy waters of disclosure.

  • Started devising the next-generation platform for fostering organizational change rooted in social and environmental accounting techniques.

  • Launched a new website, newsletter and blog posts aimed at enabling greater interaction with our extensive network.

Throughout the coming year, you can expect to gain deeper insight into our daily business activities as we expand our communications by bringing videos, tips and tutorials straight to you.

We invite you to check out the first video in our series about the day in the life of a sustainability professional - covering our recent visit to Sohnen MX with our partners, Elica Group.

Please feel free to drop a line, schedule a call or stop in at our San Diego office. We’re always eager to hear your thoughts on how we might better serve you.


To a brighter future,

-Nancy Mancilla

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